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Hikes / Trails

Fish Canyon Falls
Azusa / Los Angeles County
Angeles National Forest / Southern California
Hike Reports Photo Gallery
Hike Reports (May 24, 1997 - July 9, 2011)
May 24, 1997 - July 9, 2011
I’ve been enjoying adventures to Fish Canyon Falls since 1997. At that time the Azusa Rock quarry at the mouth of the canyon was owned by CalMat, which denied the public access through the quarry. My first experience with CalMat was a sour one and I did not return to Fish Canyon for the rest of the CalMat regime. At the end of 1998, CalMat Company agreed to be acquired by Vulcan Materials Company—the nation's largest maker of construction materials—for $760 million in cash (read L.A. Times story here). Vulcan took control of Azusa Rock in 1999 and a new era for Fish Canyon began.
My first trip to Fish Canyon Falls under the Vulcan era was with some friends on June 22, 2004. On April 23, 2005 Vulcan began to provide free access days on select Saturdays, which began my annual spring visits to Fish Canyon. Vulcan’s access days lasted nine years to June 2013. My last access day hike was on April 6, 2013.
Below photos of my hikes to Fish Canyon Falls beginning with one in the CalMat era, and continuing through the era of Vulcan providing the free access days.
Fish Canyon Falls
April 23, 2005
Fish Canyon Falls - May 24, 1997 Hike Report
Dan Simpson's first hike to Fish Canyon Falls, walking through CalMat's Azusa Rock quarry
with son Micah and friend Ricky, May 24, 1997
Fish Canyon Falls, May 24, 1997
Fish Canyon Falls - June 22, 2004 Hike Report

Andrew, Drew, Dan, Ryan in the back, and Steve behind the camera
The Era of Vulcan Access Days - April 2005 - June 2013
Fish Canyon Falls - April 23, 2005 Hike Report
Fish Canyon Falls - May 14, 2005 Hike Report
Fish Canyon Falls - May 13, 2006 Hike Report
Fish Canyon Falls - May 20, 2006 Hike Report
Didn't have a camera that day. Anyone have any photos from this hike you'd like to share?
Fish Canyon Falls - Nov. 8, 2006 Hike Report

Fish Canyon Falls - May 5, 2007 Hike Report
Fish Canyon Falls - 07-07-07 Hike Report

California Milkweed (Round-hooded Milkweed) (Asclepias californica)

May 5, 2007 - Photo by Richard Norman

July 7, 2007 - Dry as a bone!
Fish Canyon Falls - March 8, 2008 Hike Report
Blue dicks (Dichelostemma capitatum)
Everlasting (Gnaphalium spp.)
Wild cucumber blossum
Wild cucumber fruit
Fish Canyon Falls, March 8, 2008
Fish Canyon Falls - May 10, 2008 Hike Report

Vulcan office

Hikers on Fish Canyon Trail

Spanish broom

Elegant clarkia

Caterpillar phacelia
Golden stars
Fairy lantern
Himalayan blackberry
Darlin' Donna Falls and upper tier
Fish Canyon Falls, May 10, 2008

The Dan Tree
(Of course I don’t condone vandalizing trees!)
Fish Canyon Falls - July 12, 2008 Hike Report

Agave in bloom

Trail fork in tree of heaven jungle
Fish Canyon Falls - January 10, 2009 Hike Report

Fish Canyon Falls, January 10, 2009
Fish Canyon Falls - April 25, 2009 Hike Report

Fish Canyon Falls, April 25, 2009
Fish Canyon Falls - March 27, 2010 Hike Report

View into Vulcan's quarry from Van Tassel Ridge Trail
The rest of the reports are on Dan's Hiking Blog
Each of the following six hikes through July 9, 2011 are treated in more detail on Dan’s Hiking Blog. A link for each blog post is at the bottom of each report. And at the bottom of each blog post are navigation links NEXT and PREVIOUS so that you can click through the Fish Canyon history.
At the end of this page are links to the blog posts for Final Hikes of the Vulcan Access Day Era through 2013.
Final Hikes of the Vulcan Access Day Era:
Access by special arrangment:
(after the access days and prior to the new access trail)
For a complete link list of hikes in the new access trail era beginning June 21, 2014, see Fish Canyon Falls Hike Description
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Entire contents © 1999-2016 Daniel E. Simpson
This page was last updated March 31, 2016.