San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Article Published: Saturday, April 29, 2005
Cascading waterfalls are all over San Gabriel Valley
Local area's hidden treasures invigorate
By Kenneth Todd Ruiz, Staff Writer

Enjoying the spectacular view are cousins Anita Zoroghlian, 33, of Pasadena, and Victoria Yaghjian, 11, of Duarte, during the City of Duarte Wilderness Day hike on the Fish Canyon Trail through the Vulcan Materials Company Azusa Rock property, which is usually closed to the public. (Raul Roa/Staff Photo)
Searching for the silver lining to April's showers means abandoning the soggy streets and taking to the hills.
Instead of the usual choke of dry scrub, many of the canyons and gullies cut into the foothills now run, flow and drip with the wet season's accumulated runoff.
"During the summer, it runs at a trickle," said park ranger Rene Garcia of Eaton Canyon's easily accessed waterfall. "But for the past two years, we've had it running really nice."
Part of any falls' appeal is that meditative wall of white noise.
"In a little canyon, the sounds of birds and the sounds of the running water is very soothing and relaxing," Garcia said.
Fish Falls, above Duarte, was a popular destination for weekend John Muirs until access became restricted by a mining operation.
But the Vulcan Mining Company now provides occasional access to the old trail that leads into Fish Canyon.
Today and for the next three Saturdays, Vulcan will shuttle hikers back and forth across its property, starting at 7:30 a.m.
The company plans to offer access on more days in the future, said Vulcan spokeswoman Atisthan Roach. In the meantime, groups can contact her to arrange access at (323) 474-3208.
Eaton Canyon offers docent-led hikes to the falls there at 9 a.m. every third Sunday of the month.The Eaton Canyon Nature Center is at 1750 N. Altadena Drive in Pasadena.
Among other natural area waterfalls:
Millard Canyon Falls: This is an easy one-mile round-trip hike to a 50-foot waterfall. There are lots of boulders for hopping, and you can hike further upstream. From the 210, exit Lake Avenue north to Loma Alta Drive and turn left. Continue on Loma Alta to Chaney Trail, turn right, and follow the road into Millard Canyon. You need an Adventure Pass, available at most sports stores, to park at the trailhead.
Staff writer Kerry Cavanaugh contributed to this report.
Kenneth Todd Ruiz can be reached at (626) 578-6300, Ext. 4444, or by e-mail at todd.ruiz@sgvn.com.
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